Ravenswood Surgery

Thomson Avenue, Johnstone, PA5 8SU

Telephone: 01505 331979

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Welcome to Ravenswood Surgery.

Things we would like you to know.

We are a friendly, family orientated practice who strive to make patient access easier and have adopted several things listed below to enable this.  We also have some advice regarding the most appropriate service and use of antibiotics.


Ravenswood Surgery will soon be adopting a Signposting Service which will be operated by our trained staff.

We have provided training for our staff to ask pertinent questions in relation to your call in order that they can allocate you to the most suitable clinician or alternative service.  These staff members are NOT prying; they are working under our explicit instructions and are bound by the same code of confidentiality as the Clinical Staff.

For example, if you have an eye problem you may be signposted to an Optician, if you have a mouth problem you may be signposted to a dentist or you maybe signposted to a pharmacy for one of the conditions listed below.   Please help them to help you!

Minor Ailments

Did you know that many minor ailments can be treated by a pharmacy?

Athletes foot, chicken pox, constipation, cough and cold, diarrhoea, ear wax, morning after pill, fungal nails, head lice, hay fever, haemorrhoids (piles), indigestion, medication queries, mouth ulcers, nappy rash, rashes, smoking cessation, sore throat, threadworms, thrush (ages 16 to 60 unless Diabetic), travel sickness, UTI’s (urinary tract infections including cystitis, ages 16 to 65), Warts and verruca’s.

Please do not hand in urine or faecal samples to be sent to the labs unless this has been requested by a doctor or nurse.  If you hand in a urine sample unsolicited, a clinician will check it prior to sending to the lab, if there is no blood or it is not cloudy they will call you to let you know it is clear.

Over the Counter Medication

Did you know that some over the counter medications such as Paracetamol, and Ibuprofen can be purchased  in a pharmacy or supermarket at a fraction of the cost they are to prescribe?

They can also be purchased out with surgery opening times.  If you can afford it and/or if you require pain relief when the surgery is closed.


We try not to prescribe antibiotics unless you have a confirmed infection.

Some bacteria are resistant to certain antibiotics. This means that the antibiotic is no longer any good at getting rid of infection caused by these bacteria. For example, if you get infected with meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), it won’t be possible to treat you with standard antibiotics.

Health professionals are trying to slow down the development of resistance, which is caused by the over-use and misuse of antibiotics. Your doctor or pharmacist may advise how you can manage an infection without antibiotics. They can also suggest ways to avoid infection, like handwashing and food hygiene.

Resistance can start if the bacteria that have caused an infection aren’t completely killed off by an antibiotic. There’s more risk the infection will come back and the bacteria that survive may adapt so they’re resistant to that particular antibiotic. Bacteria may also pass on resistance when they multiply. This is why it’s really important to complete a course of antibiotics, even if you feel better. It’s the best way to prevent any bacteria from surviving.

Using antibiotics when you don’t really need them, especially broad-spectrum ones, means there’s more risk a wide variety of bacteria will become resistant. Some multi-resistant bacteria are resistant to several antibiotics at the same time.

If you complete a course of antibiotics and don’t get better, it could be because the bacteria causing your infection are resistant.

Patient Access

We offer patients the opportunity to register for patient access.  This enables you to request repeat medication.  You may also be able in future to access your medical record.   It’s easy to set up (we can help you do this if you require), convenient (available 24/7) and easy to use.  If you have not already signed up please ask the next time you are in the surgery.

Patients that use the access system are reporting back very favourably.

We no longer offer emailed repeat medication requests.

Text Messages

We offer text message reminders for all face-to-face appointments with a GP (provided they are booked prior to 48 hours before the appointment).  If you receive a reminder and you cannot make the appointment or no longer require it, please respond with the word “cancel” no explanation is required.  The use of the word “cancel” will automatically make the appointment available for another patient to book.

We may from time send out campaign messages with information regarding the Surgery.

Please advise us of your mobile number to receive these texts or update us if you change your number.

You can opt out of receiving texts at any time by contacting the surgery.




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Practice Clinical Website Details

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Opening Times

  • Monday
    08:30am to 01:00pm
    02:00pm to 06:00pm
  • Tuesday
    08:30am to 01:00pm
    02:00pm to 06:00pm
  • Wednesday
    08:30am to 01:00pm
    02:00pm to 06:00pm
  • Thursday
    08:30am to 01:00pm
    02:00pm to 06:00pm
  • Friday
    08:30am to 01:00pm
    02:00pm to 06:00pm
  • Saturday
  • Sunday
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